Sunday, November 1, 2009


Military paper model series

 The Centauro is a wheeled tank destroyer designed for light to medium territorial defense and tactical reconnaissance. It was developed by a consortium of manufacturers, the Società Consortile Iveco Fiat - Oto Melara (CIO). Iveco Fiat was tasked with developing the hull and propulsion systems while Oto Melara was responsible for developing the turrets and weapon systems.[wikipedia]

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

GAZ-3937 Vodnik

Military paper model series

GAZ-3937 Vodnik

The vehicle GAZ-3937 "Vodnik" with allocation of crew ahead represents high-mobile vehicle intended for creation on its base of automobiles of special assignment. Basis of a construction is modular circuit of construction of the automobile. The welded tank of the automobile has two removable units - front and back. The size limited to the front unit, includes power bay and bay of handle, disjointed hermetic partition. The name Vodnik means waterman.